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Preventing Heart Disease and Cancer

Five easy steps that can dramatically lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes. If people follow these five steps, we'd be seeing cancer rates drop, we'd see heart attack rates almost cease to exist.

1. EAT A SALAD DAILY: Eat a large salad at least once a day as a main dish. Raw vegetables have been shown to have dramatic protections. Against all types of cancer. And green vegetables, in particular eaten raw, have dramatic powerful effects to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. They inhibit development of plaque and the better you chew them the more benefits you get.

2. EAT RAW NUTS AND SEEDS: Eat at least an ounce of raw nuts and seeds today, somewhere between one and three ounces of nuts and seeds a day. Nuts and seeds showed dramatic protection against sudden cardiac death. For example, in the physicians health study, people eat nuts and seeds three times a week or more had a 60% reduced rate of sudden cardiac death. Dramatic enhancements and lifespan shown in multiple studies. People eating flax seeds and chia seeds and sesame seeds containing lignans have shown to reduce death rate from breast cancer in women by over 71% over a 10 year study. So this is something people should do every day. Eat some nuts and seeds every day. Blend them in a blender with some other food with tomato sauce, with an orange, with some lemon, with some vinegar and make delicious salad dressings out of nuts and seeds. You're eating that salad anyway, might as well put some nut and seed based dressing on top instead.

3. EAT BEANS: Eat some beans every single day. Half a cup of beans a cup of beans. In other words, beans are the carbohydrate food with the highest amount of slowly digestible starches, meaning that their carbohydrate calories are absorbed very slowly over three to four hours, not over a half an hour like high glycemic carbohydrates. Also, beans contain a large amount of resistant starch, which means those carbohydrates are resistant to enzymatic degradation, which means they're converted into short chain fatty acids. So far down in the digestive track that their calories are pass through us into the toilet bowl. So, beans are lower in calories, they're lower in glycemic effects, high in nutrients especially a compound called IP five, inositol pentakisphosphate, which has powerful effects to protect against heart disease and cancer.

4. COOKED GREENS, MUSHROOMS & ONIONS: Eat a nice serving of cooked greens like lightly steamed or wok greens everyday like brussel sprouts or artichokes or string beans or broccoli, with mushrooms or onions in the dish. So why to eat mushrooms and onions? We're talking about cooked mushrooms because cooked mushrooms contain some features called aromatase inhibitors and angiogenesis inhibitors factors that prevent heart disease and powerful effects to protect cancer. Onions for the organic sulfide compounds, mushrooms for their salient protective features against cancer and cooked greens as well as the raw salad to add a lot of low caloric low glycemic high protein vegetables in your diet.

5. FRESH FRUIT & BERRIES: Eat at least three fresh fruits a day and especially try to consume some berries, some cherries or pomegranates, berries, cherries and pomegranates are so rich in anthocyanins and polyphenols that they have those high levels of those nutrients means their glucose is absorbed more slowly. They're very low glycemic, they promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut that actually slow the glycemic effect of other foods eaten with the berries or the pomegranate. And they also are so rich in nutrients that they have powerful effects to protect the brain against aging to protect the blood vessels and to protect against cancer. All this becomes a no brainer. Why not not have a heart attack, not have a stroke? Not be stuck in a nursing home hooked up to equipment or unable to care for yourself the rest of your life and why get in a condition so your health gets so bad that your relatives and your children have to take care of you in your later years. You want to fully live life every year you live. Modern nutritional science has made incredible advances in recent years. I hope that you take advantage of this information. Jump off the couch, get to the grocery store. Make the effort learn this information, find out how great it can taste. Get started right now.


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